As Baptists, we participate in the historical traditions of the denomination. The foremost of these are The Priesthood of All Believers and The Autonomy of the Local Church. Through these two primary traditions we assert that all believers are capable of both interpreting scripture and direct communication with God, and that each congregation is allowed to make its own decisions as an independent body without oversight from any human authority.
Are you the kind of Baptists who affirm women in leadership?
Yes, we have and are proud of our women deacons and ministers. We have ordained women to ministry.
What Bible translation do you use?
The individual is free to choose his/her own – or better yet, more than one! Reading in worship is typically from the NRSV or NIV, but not exclusively.
Are you “fundamental” and/or “independent” Baptists?
No. While our congregation is diverse in regards to theological perspectives, we do not identify as a “fundamental” or “independent” Baptist church.