We, the youth and adult volunteers of FBC Lumberton, like people everywhere, are created by and loved by God. Our mission is to discover the depth of that love through studying the life of Christ Jesus and to share that love with the people of our county, state, nation, and beyond. Our mission is to love and accept people rather than judge and to forgive others as we have been forgiven.
Fall Kickoff – Includes a preview of the coming year, pizza, and youth voting on mission options.
BBQ Sale – A fall fundraiser for youth mission trips. Thousands of plates of pork sold each year.
Children’s Christmas Party – The youth take 50-60 local children in need shopping to pick out clothes and a toy. They return to the church for the Christmas Story, a craft, lunch and Santa!
Progressive Dinner – Youth Christmas celebration with food, fellowship and fun.
Ski Trip – 2 days and 3 nights of skiing, worship and Bible study.
Valentine Banquet – The youth serve and entertain the adults with a wonderful dinner and program.
Youth Week/Youth Sunday – Youth from all grades create a theme and scripture, design a shirt, plan events (such as laser tag, lock-ins, etc.), lead Bible studies, design and lead a Wednesday night program, teach Sunday school, design and lead two worship services, and preach. It is a chance to learn how be a leader both in and out of our church setting.
Senior Retreat – A short trip/celebration for 12th graders with a worship service, fellowship and discussing college issues.
Mission Camp – Mission trip through an organization where youth can choose an area to serve God that fits with their spiritual gifts (painting/construction/yardwork, children/youth ministries, soup kitchen, etc.). This trip includes Bible studies, quiet times, worship and devotionals. This usually includes a couple of days exploring the city (e.g. New Orleans, Philadelphia, Nashville) were the event is held.