We have a Choir or Group to Fit Almost Any Musical Taste
all of which are focused on preparing God’s people for worship and praise.
Adult Music Groups
Our Sanctuary Choir presents traditional sacred music in our traditional worship service, held at 11:00 before the pandemic. This group also presents concerts and events throughout the year including an annual Christmas cantata
The Adult Handbell Choir an advanced group which shares in worship several times during the year.
Our Early Worship Ensemble leads in our 8:45 worship service (prior to pandemic). They now lead music during 10:30 blended worship. This group leads our congregation in singing praise choruses and prepares musical selections that people are hearing on Christian Radio stations for use in worship.
Our Music Munchkins (ages 3-5) meet each Wednesday during prayer service during the school year. Children learn basic musical concepts while learning songs about Jesus.
Our Music Makers (grades 1-3) sing songs of our faith while learning basic music theory concepts. They get to use instruments as well as sing and learn how to read music and rhythms together.
Our Young Musicians (grades 4-6) move on to more advanced musical concepts and more challenging music. They sing in worship more frequently than the younger groups and are more oriented towards performance than the other two children’s choirs.
Children in grades 1-6 are also invited to participate in our Summer Music Day Camp. This is a 5 day in-house camp with music, Bible study, field trips, and more. The week concludes with a presentation of the music they have learned.
Our Young Musicians Bells are our youngest ringing group. They generally ring 3 octaves and ring easy to medium music. In this group, children learn to read music, how to work as an ensemble and the basics of handbell techniques.
Our Youth Choir prepares a variety of music for use in worship and go on a retreat in the summer. They also lead in worship on Youth Sunday and other times during the year.
Our Youth Bells have a variety of ringing opportunities. The large group rings 5 octaves and uses 13 people.